The Hyperloop
Hyperloop is a new method of transportation that uses a series of pressurized tubes to carry capsules between destinations at high speeds. These capsules move by way of linear induction within the tubes, requiring very little energy to operate.
Because of Hyperloop's ability to dramatically reduce travel times between cities, it may become possible for individuals to live in one city and commute daily to another city hundreds of miles away.
Working with Hyperloop Transportation Technologies (HyperloopTT), the Great Lakes Hyperloop would incorporate cutting edge technology that would not only revolutionize transportation, but also has the potential to serve as a catalyst to revitalize the area around Hyperloop stations.

The Capsule
HyperloopTT capsules are engineered and designed to create a safe and harmonious environment for the passenger, with customized experiences for use-based experiences. Each capsule is 98 feet in length and can carry 28 to 50 passengers. The system is designed for capsule departures up to every 40 seconds, making it possible to move 160,000+ passengers and 4,000 cargo shipments a day on one line when at full efficiency.
HyperloopTT has developed a new skin material using carbon-fiber with embedded sensors, called Vibranium™. This new, lightweight, smart material is eight times stronger than alumnium and 10 times stronger than steel alternatives, and transmits critical information regarding temperature, stability, capsule integrity and more.

The Station
HyperloopTT reinvents transportation at every stage of the process. We implement intermodal solutions into our design making the station accessible and integrated with existing first and last mile solutions. Leveraging today’s technology, our station aims to provide the next-generation passenger experience. The station is not only a transit hub for the community it serves, but a dynamic urban center as well.

The Structure
Hyperloop’s efficiency reduces operating costs and increases the overall profitability of the system. Floating on a frictionless magnetic cushion, the capsules move through the low pressure environment, while consuming very little energy en route. Solar panels on the roof and other renewable energy sources will power the system. In addition, with the near-vacuum environment and the passive magnetic levitation, the HyperloopTT system has the potential to be energy net positive.