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Great Lakes Hyperloop

​In early 2018, the Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency (NOACA) signed an official agreement with the Illinois Department of Transportation supporting a Hyperloop route from Cleveland to Chicago. 


Later that year, NOACA signed an official Public-Private Partnership agreement to facilitate a feasibility study for America’s first multi-state Hyperloop in the Great Lakes Mega Region with Hyperloop Transportation Technologies (HyperloopTT), a global company with offices in the Americas, Europe and Asia. 


As part of this initiative, a growing number of regional stakeholders including industry leaders, academia, national labs, non-profit, for-profit and government entities formed the Great Lakes Hyperloop Consortium. Members not only support the project, but are committed to making the Hyperloop a reality.

Why the Great Lakes?

Long a center for industry and innovation, the Great Lakes region is a natural fit for the exploration of this new mode of transportation.

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